Business Fax Appending - Add Value to your Business Mileage
Alert and find new customers through fast and inexpensive Fax marketing. Product updates and new releases sent to your opt-in users can strengthen your relationship with them . In spite of its effectiveness, very few marketers are leveraging Fax marketing due to the non-availability of fax numbers in the database.
It's an uphill task to get the current facsimile numbers of all your prospects. But there's an easy way to add the accurate “fax” numbers to your opt-in database.
Fax append solutions appends relevant fax numbers to your opt-in database. Fax numbers added to your database will enable you to run multi-channel marketing and help to improve the ROI from your marketing.
Benefits of Fax appending
Generate multiple leads through fax promotion
Target new customers and update current customers
Achieve measurable results quickly
Spread your new offers & promotions quickly at lesser cost
Harness the power of Fax marketing!
Send your promotion and product updates to thousands of business prospects instantly. Provide us some details of your targets and we shall supply you with their current business Fax numbers. iAppend can match your records and return back with the updated file in 48 hours. The updated data provided by us comply with all the Federal Telephone and Facsimile messaging legislation.